Pedestrian AccidentsPreventing Pedestrian Accidents Among Seniors: The Importance of Education and Awareness

July 25, 2023by admin0

In 2020, almost 20% of pedestrian deaths were senior members of society. This number has only risen, and it really is astounding. Why is there such a high rate of senior accidents out in the world? Well, elderly people are simply more vulnerable to this kind of event. That is why education programs and boosting awareness are essential.

The Top Reasons Why Seniors Are Victims of Pedestrian Accidents

So, what makes seniors so vulnerable to pedestrian accidents? There are four big reasons that support this fact.

Reason One: Decreased Sight

It is no secret that, as people age, their eyesight is prone to deterioration. This impairs the ability to make clear judgments about things like crossing the road, seeing stop signs, and noticing general hazards when out and about. A senior with partial blindness or any decreased visual capacity is going to be more at risk than a younger person without these problems.

Reason Two: Hearing Problems

Following on from sight problems are hearing issues. The same logic applies, and senior people are simply more likely to have some form of decreased ability when it comes to their hearing. This means they won’t be able to hear things like sirens or warning shouts from other members of the public.

Reason Three: Poorer Awareness

As the mind ages, it becomes less aware of the things that surround us. Whether it is a memory condition such as dementia or just general old age causing capacity depreciation, this deficit causes major problems when out in the real world as well as at home. It means that an elder pedestrian will not spot the things that a younger one might, and therefore struggle to see incoming dangers and hazards.

Reason Four: Slower Movements

It is also true that elderly people move around more slowly than people who are younger. So, if they are crossing a road and a speeding vehicle approaches, they will be less able to get out of the way at the pace that is needed.

Why Is Education So Vital?

What makes raising awareness so vital in this sector? It all comes down to the fact that, as people age, they are just more at risk. If an accident does take place, their injuries are likely to be more serious with graver consequences. They are also less capable of handling road safety than they would have been in previous years. Road users and other pedestrians should be informed of these facts so they can make safer decisions and support seniors with their right to be safe while navigating traffic and crossing the street.

Education Can Provide Support Where It is Needed Most

Enhanced training programs for senior carers would support elderly residents better. There could be informative strategies that would empower the older generations to be well looked after and properly supported as they move around in the outside world.

Motorists Can Be More Responsive

It is also vital that motorists take the message on board during their initial driving lessons and the way they operate their vehicles. If a car driver sees an elderly pedestrian crossing the road, for example, they can slow down and come to a complete stop. They can also execute more patience than they may have in other circumstances and ensure that the senior gets across safely without any major incidents.

Policies Can Change for the Better

It is also useful for research centers that influence government policy and agenda to play a role. There can be lots of research carried out into ways to make roads safer for seniors, for instance, ensuring slow zones in areas of high-density senior population. Statistics and insight are the things that make the biggest changes in the areas that need it most, after all, and if the resources are there, this would be an excellent area to funnel it into.

Why Are Pedestrian Accidents So Dangerous for Seniors?

It is important to observe the reasons why seniors are in such a disadvantaged position when it comes to pedestrian safety. Firstly, for all the reasons previously discussed, older people are not as capable of crossing without any or all of these factors hindering them. Secondly, pedestrian accidents are far more likely to cause death in a senior because of their health and capacity to heal, than any other age group except perhaps very small children. Thirdly, if a wrongful death does not occur, it is difficult for an elderly person to properly heal from a catastrophic injury. It would significantly affect their capacity for independence and put them in a detrimental position financially too.

How to Look After the Victims

Whether you are acting on behalf of a lost loved one, or you are a senior who has been involved in a pedestrian accident, it is important that you are looked after. Taking care of victims is non-negotiable, and an education-based approach is the best way forward. Talking about the big issues is never easy, but it must be done. There are strong cases for compensation post-accident that would make life easier to navigate too, and holding motorists more accountable for their part means more seniors would be protected. High profile cases often gain a lot of media attention, after all, and media is awareness whether you like it or not.

Give Farnsworth & Vance a Call

We are here to help. If you or your senior relative are the victim of a pedestrian accident, there is always a resolution to be found on the road ahead. Our team has the knowledge and the strategy to find justice and seek compensation where appropriate. Don’t feel alone, because you are absolutely not.

Being involved in a pedestrian accident is a scary, overwhelming event in anybody’s life. Seniors are particularly vulnerable and there are lots of reasons why education on the topic is vital. Raising awareness decreases the likelihood that people will become a victim of dangerous incidents such as this, and it is always something to strive for. Our friendly legal experts are just a call away and can provide vital support during this troublesome time.

Find our Law Office at 2525 Gambell Street #410, Anchorage, AK 99503

Call now for a free consultation at (907)-290-8980.

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